Stellenausschreibung Nr. 01/2025
Engineer (f/m/d) in the field of Nuclear or Mechanical Engineering
For our "DEMO Breeding Blanket" project within the EUROfusion consortium, we are seeking an experienced engineer (f/m/d) specializing in thermohydraulic and thermomechanical analyses as well as design development. You will play a central role in the development of innovative breeding blanket technologies for nuclear fusion.
Your main responsibilities include:
- DEMO Blanket Design:
- Development of DEMO blanket design in collaboration with INR colleagues using CAD systems.
- Execution of thermohydraulic calculations using CFD codes to verify thermal design requirements.
- Performance of linear and non-linear structural mechanics calculations using FEM programs (ANSYS/Mechanical).
- Evaluation of results according to relevant nuclear codes and standards (RCC-MRx, ASME III, SDC-IC, DDC-IC).
- Design and testing of DEMO mock-ups for the helium facility HELOKA at KIT, and evaluation of the experimental results:
- Development of mock-up designs with accompanying thermohydraulic and structural mechanical calculations.
- Post-processing of experimental data and comparison of the data with models for their validation.
- Evaluation of results and preparation of final reports.
Persönliche Qualifikation
- A university degree in engineering, specializing in nuclear engineering or mechanical engineering.
- A completed doctorate is desirable.
- Several years of professional experience / outstanding knowledge in design, thermohydraulics, thermodynamics, and structural mechanics.
- Good knowledge of nuclear energy (fission reactors, fusion).
- Good knowledge in mechanical engineering (mechanical design), heat transfer-related machinery, and thermal management of highly heat-loaded nuclear components.
- Excellent command of ANSYS applications, CAD, and Monte Carlo neutron transport codes.
- Excellent English and German language skills, both spoken and written.
- Strong communication skills, problem-solving abilities, high motivation, flexibility, and team spirit.
Institut für Neutronenphysik und Reaktortechnik (INR)
ab sofort/ as soon as possible
Salary category 13 TV-L, depending on the fulfillment of professional and personal requirements.
Contract duration
3 years.
Application up to
Contact person in line-management
For further information, please contact Dr. Francisco Hernandez Gonzales, phone +49 721 608-22473.
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Telefon: +49 721 608-25544,
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
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76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen
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