Stellenausschreibung Nr. 06/2025
mineralogist or geochemist or geoscientist or chemist or physicist /f/m/d)
75% part time
The main goal of the work is to develop an electrostatic surface complexation model for Na-montmorillonite for the numerical simulation of the surface charging- and Cs-adsorption behavior as a function of pH, Cs-concentration and temperature.
The work is carried out as part of a German-French collaboration.
- The work includes laboratory work to collect experimental data for model calibration and model development.
- The surface complexation model is programmed in a Python environment using the finite element method.
- The surface mobility of the ions is characterized using diffusion experiments.
- Finally, the surface complexation model is to be integrated into a pore-scale diffusion and surface polarization model in collaboration with project partners.
Persönliche Qualifikation
- completed university degree (Master) in mineralogy, geochemistry, chemistry, physics, geosciences, or a related discipline
- experience in working in a chemistry laboratory
- solid knowledge of computer programming (preferably Python)
- excellent English skills, written and spoken
- knowledge of German is desirable, knowledge of French is helpful
- openness and extraordinary motivation to learn and apply new methods and innovative concepts and to work in an international team with doctoral students and scientists.
Institut für Nukleare Entsorgung (INE)
ab sofort / immediately
Salary category 13 TV-L, depending on the fulfillment of professional and personal requirements.
Contract duration
3 years.
Application up to
Contact person in line-management
For further information, please contact Dr. Frank Heberling, Tel. +49 721 608-24782.
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