Stellenausschreibung Nr. 23/2025

PostDoc in the field of electron microscopy (f/m/d)


As part of the Advanced Electron Microscopy in Materials Research department at the Institute of Nanotechnology, you will work on high-end structural analysis of metal hydrides within the NRF-DFG cooperation project ‘Exploring thermodynamics and kinetics of metal-hydrides for solid-state hydrogen storage systems through multi-dimensional electron microscopy analysis’. In close collaboration with the group of Prof. Dong Won Chun (Postech, Korea) and various research groups from the fields of mechanical engineering and physics at KIT, you will characterise metal hydrides using state-of-the-art (in-situ) transmission electron microscopy (TEM) techniques and develop these techniques further. Their focus is on the characterisation of microstructural changes and hydrogen distribution during charge and discharge cycles using a combination of ex-situ and in-situ TEM methods. Special attention is paid to the further development of 4D-STEM and EELS methods to analyse hydrogen distribution, local stresses and electronic properties. 
Your tasks include

  • Development of innovative TEM techniques
  • Planning and conducting experimental studies
  • Writing scientific publications and presenting research results at international conferences
  • Supervision of doctoral students
Persönliche Qualifikation

You have a university degree (Diplom (Uni) / Master) with a doctorate in materials science, physics or chemistry as well as several years of practical work experience in transmission electron microscopy. In addition, you have sound knowledge of the physical principles of transmission electron microscopy and related spectroscopy methods. You have experience in the field of analytical transmission electron microscopy and a broad range of methods in the field of electron microscopy (TEM, STEM, EELS, EDX and in-situ TEM). Business fluent English skills round off your profile.


Institut für Nanotechnologie (INT)




Salary category 13 TV-L, depending on the fulfillment of professional and personal requirements.

Contract duration

3 years

Application up to


Contact person in line-management

For further information, please contact Prof. Dr. Christian Kübel, phone +49 721 608-28970.


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