Stellenausschreibung Nr. IMT 15-2024

IMT 15-2024 Master Thesis MRI Robotics


Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) allows to observe chemical and bio-chemical processes in living systems. In addition to its importance for medical imaging and diagnostics, it finds increasing applications in other domains, including chemical engineering, life science research, and materials science. In this context, the need often arises to manipulate the sample in some way in order to implement an experimental protocol. How-ever, automation in the active volume of an MRI scanner is challenging due to the very high magnetic field, which complicates the use of servo actuators, and due to the space constraints.

The objective of this Master project is to design and test a protoype for a robotic manipulator that can operate with high accuracy, reliability, and speed inside of an MRI scanner.

The project will develop in three phases:

  • Develop and model a kinematic for a robotic arm that can be operated in the confines of an MRI magnet
  • Design and build a prototype initially for operation outside the magnet; characterize its performance
  • Design and build a final version, and demonstrate operation in anactive MRI system.

It is expected that the successful project leads to at least one publication in an internationally peer-reviewed journal.

Persönliche Qualifikation

You are a curious mechanical or electrical engineer who brings along the necessary analytical skills to detail the kinematics and kinetics of a manipulator, and practical skills to prototype it as a microcontroller application.


Institut für Mikrostrukturtechnik (IMT)


as soon as possible

Contract duration

6 - 8 Months

Application up to


Contact person in line-management

For further information, please contact Prof. Dr. Marcel Utz or Prof. Dr. Jan G. Korvink.


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