Thank you for applying to the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology!
We are looking forward to meeting you.

Please note the following information:
  • The online application form contains one page. For processing you need about 5-10 minutes.
  • The fields marked with * are required, all other information is voluntary. 
  • You can correct your entries until you send the application. Unfortunately, after sending changes are no longer possible.
  • If you have completely edited the application form, please attach files with all relevant documents (e g application or motivation letter, curriculum vitae, certificates, training measures) before sending your data (second entry page below). In total, your attachment may not exceed 20 MB. 
  • The protection of your personal data is guaranteed at all times. We will delete your personal data according to data protection regulations without request 3 months after the completion of the application procedure. Your data will be stored in the applicant pool only with your explicit consent.
  • In view of support mechanisms of SGB IX for people with a disability, information about the disability is voluntary. The question can be skipped.
  • Online applications, applications per mail and written applications will be treated equally. Independent of this, documents can be requested for completeness. 
Select a country in order to add an address.
Add files to application.
Supported file formats: Word, PDF, PPT, jpg, gif, png.
Maximum 10 MB per file and 20 MB in total.
The following formats are possible: png, gif, jpeg, tiff, bmp.
Max. file size: 10 MB.

Data Privacy Statement

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) undertakes to protect the privacy of all persons using these web sites and to treat all personal data disclosed to us strictly confidential. When using the online application portal, personal data are processed. When inputting your personal data, you agree to these data being processed by KIT.

This privacy statement is to inform you about which personal data are collected by KIT on these web sites, for which purposes, and how they are used.

If you do not agree to the privacy policy, your application can not be sent and received online. If you would like to apply, please send the application documents by e-mail or in writing.

Access Data of the Users

Whenever a user accesses one of our web sites and retrieves data from our files, access data on this process are stored in a log file on our server.

Each data set covers:

The site from which the file was accessed,

the name of the file,

date and time of access,

the data volume transferred,

the state of access (file transferred, file not found, etc.),

a description of the type of web browser used,

the client IP address.

The data stored are evaluated for statistical purposes exclusively. They are not disclosed to third parties for commercial or non-commercial purposes.

Data of Applicant:

Personal data are processed as part of your application procedure with KIT exclusively.

The following data are collected:

First and family name, address, e-mail address, and application documents submitted by the applicant (including CV, certificates, etc.).

These data are collected and used for evaluating your qualification for one of the open posts at KIT only. The data will be needed for contacting you directly in order to invite you to an interview or whenever we have questions regarding your application.

Your personal data are accessed by authorized employees of KIT only, who have to be aware of your application.

Please check your documents for completeness. It is not possible to hand in documents later via the portal. If you are forced to hand in documents at a later time, kindly note that the content of unencrypted e-mails are about as protected or as open as the content of a postcard. Any person gaining unauthorized access to the e-mail may read the contents and look at your personal data. It is only by means of encrypted transfer that the contents of the electronic mail can be protected against unauthorized access. Therefore documents with confidential information or personal data should only be sent encrypted by e-mail or by ordinary mail.

We strictly adhere to the pertinent legal data protection regulations. Data of applicants are deleted completely from the application system 100 days after refusal.


So-called session cookies are stored temporarily on the respective end device. Session cookies are needed for the online completion of your application form. After closing the browser or in case of inactivity of a period of 30 minutes, session cookies are deleted automatically. Non-acceptance of session cookies excludes usability of the online application portal. If you have problems in using the online application portal, kindly check whether temporary storage of session cookies is activated in the settings of your browser.

Data transmission takes place using the “Secure Socket Layer” technology (SSL). Before transmission, the data are encrypted. In this way, information transmitted cannot be read by unauthorized persons.

Right to Information

According to Articles 21 and 22 LDSG, you have the right to obtain information on the personal data stored about you by KIT at your request and at no costs. You may also request correction of incorrect data stored.

Please address your request in writing to KIT, Personalservice (PSE), Kaiserstraße 12, 76131 Karlsruhe, Germany.

If you have any further questions regarding the use of your personal data, please contact

I have read the privacy policy and hereby consent that my personal data that I have provided above may be stored and processed.
