University Professorship (W3) for Mobility and Vehicle Systems in Private Transport

Job description

The professorship represents an essential pillar in KIT’s strategic research area of mobility. It is expected to push and sustainably advance research into vehicle technology for private transport and its links to mobility systems, users, and the environment. A particular challenge is the transformation of mechatronic vehicle technology into cyber-physical systems taking into account the society’s acceptance and sustainability aspects.

This will require the investigation of suitable vehicle architectures, vehicle concepts, and mechatronic subsystems of vehicles, with a special focus on dynamic vehicle behavior, innovative operation and control strategies, autonomous driving, and interactions of vehicles, users, and the environment. Work should also address options of networking with the transport infrastructure and energy supply. The institute boasts latest research infrastructures and a research-affine, experienced, and motivated team consisting of several research groups focusing on chassis and drivetrains, automation and tires, wheels and road surfaces, among others. Some research areas and the existing research infrastructure are to be further developed for cutting-edge research on international level. Moreover, the future holder of the post should complement the portfolio by new focus areas relating to the vehicle system. Contributions to innovations in the area of mobility systems in cooperation with industry are expected.  

The professorship is of central importance to mechanical engineering and the KIT Mobility Systems Center. The holder of the position is member of the collegial management team of the Institute of Vehicle System Technology (FAST). Active cooperation in the KIT Mobility Systems Center is expected.

In the area of academic education, it is the main task of the professor to impart to students competencies to design mobility solutions for private transport in their entire breadth and depth. Main lectures in the area of vehicle technology should be offered in both German and English using didactically up-to-date teaching formats and concepts.

Personal qualification

We are looking for a personality who has already made major and visible contributions in the area of vehicle system technology. Several years of work in industry, experience gained from the execution of research and development projects, and leadership skills are desired. International work experience would be advantageous. The future holder of the post should be willing to cooperate across disciplines within and outside of KIT and to actively acquire public and private third-party funding.

Apart from fulfilling civil service requirements, candidates should have completed university studies and possess pedagogic aptitude, didactic skills, as well as scientific qualification which is usually proven by the quality of a doctorate, habilitation, or equivalent achievements. You will execute university tasks with a teaching obligation of 9 hours per week per semester.

Employment is subject to Article 14, par. 2 of the KIT Act in conjunction with Article 47 LHG Baden-Württemberg (Act of Baden-Württemberg on Universities and Colleges, Landeshochschulgesetz).

 we offer

Organizational unit

Division III - Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Institute of Vehicle System Technology (FAST), KIT Department of Mechanical Engineering

Starting date

zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt / as soon as possible

Contract duration


Application up to

September 30, 2024

Contact person in line-management

For further information, please contact Univ.- Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr. h.c. Albert Albers, email:


Please send your applications, including

  • CV,
  • description of own contributions to the above areas (R&D projects, publications, patents),
  • acquired third-party funding,
  • diplomas / certificates,
  • documents on previous research and teaching activities,
  • research and teaching concept,
  • statement relating to scientific integrity (see DFG Code “Guidelines for Safeguarding Good Research Practice”),

preferably as a single PDF file to Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Division III – Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Division Head Professor h.c. Dr.-Ing. Joachim Knebel, Campus Süd, Dekanat der KIT-Fakultät für Maschinenbau (Dean’s Office), 76131 Karlsruhe, Germany, by September 30, 2024.


vacancy number: 1306/2024


We wish to recruit new staff (female/male/non-binary) as homogeneously as possible and, hence, strongly encourage qualified women to apply.

Recognized severely disabled persons will be given preference if equally qualified.

As a family-friendly university, KIT offers part-time employment, leaves for family reasons, dual career services, and accompanying coaching for enhancing the work-life balance.

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