Vacancy No. 273/2024

273/2024 Postdoc (f/m/d)

Engineering, Natural or Environmental Sciences

Job description

At the Institute for Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis (ITAS), you will participate in the evaluation and optimization of the sustainability profile of new and emerging energy technologies with a particular focus on hydrogen (and its derivatives, Power-to-X), long-term, and thermal storage. This includes the following tasks:

  • Conducting ecological, economic, and social life cycle sustainability assessments (LCA, LCC, Social-LCA), including data collection, analysis, and interpretation.
  • Developing and maintaining tools, models, and databases to support sustainability and life cycle analysis activities.
  • Representing topic and methodological expertise within the Helmholtz Association and supporting collaboration at various working levels.
  • Collaborating in national and EU projects to integrate sustainability aspects within product design, product development, and decision-making processes.
  • Identifying opportunities for environmental improvement and resource optimization throughout the entire product life cycle, including circular economy.
  • Identifying emerging trends, regulations, and best practices in the fields of sustainability research, prospective life cycle analysis, and new energy technologies.
  • Supporting work in national and international networks or activities such as e.g. EERA, BEPA, VDI, SETAC.
  • Communicating results and recommendations to societal stakeholders and partners within projects and activities through reports, publications, presentations, and workshops.
  • Contributing to the development of new work areas and the implementation of sustainability strategies and initiatives.
  • Supervising thesis projects (Bachelor's, Master's).
Personal qualification

You have:

  • A university degree (Master's) in engineering, natural, or environmental sciences with a completed doctorate.
  • Very good knowledge and experience in the field of life cycle assessment (LCA) and life cycle costing (LCC).
  • Understanding of sustainability principles, life cycle analysis methods, and energy technologies, as well as systemic thinking in the energy sector.
  • Good German and English language skills, both spoken and written.
  • Organizational talent and good communication skills.

Salary category 13, depending on the fulfillment of professional and personal requirements.

Organizational unit

Institute for Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis (ITAS)

Starting date

baldmöglichst / as soon as possible

Contract duration

3 years.

Application up to


Contact person in line-management

For further information, please contact Dr.-Ing. Marcel Weil,


Please apply online using the button below for this vacancy number 273/2024 .
Personnel Support is provided by 

Ms Wenz
phone: +49 721 608-25093,

Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1, 76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen, Germany

We prefer to balance the number of employees (f/m/d). Therefore we kindly ask female applicants to apply for this job.
Recognized severely disabled persons will be preferred if they are equally qualified.